I’m so excited to share the final design of The Makers’ Collective 2015 Wall Planner (though you will have to use your imagination with the colours… think bright, neon peachy-pink-orange and bright, neon mint for the main two). I’ve sent these to the printers just the other day, and they should be in my hot little hands sometime next week!

2015 A1 Wall Planner Buy Now

Also, I am so glad I got a plotter proof, because I had it at the wrong size!! I’ve been saying A2 all this time, and it’s actually supposed to be A1! Nice and big, with lots of space in each month =)

I’ve decided to go with a print run of 250 (still a very small run), and will be embellishing just 100 of them with gold accents by hand. These will be numbered, and all pre-orders will be receiving one of the gold accent planners.

This is the first time in 10 years of graphic design that I’ve actually gotten something printed using specialty inks, on lovely paper, and I’m a bit nervous! Because of the nature of the print, I can’t get an actual proof, so I just really hope it turns out as good as I have them in my mind.

Pre-Orders for the planner close TONIGHT at 9pm, so if you would like to save 20% on your wall planner (perfect for bloggers, small business owners, creatives and rad people) scroll to the bottom of this post to nab yours =)

Here are the details again:


  • A1, single sided, full 2015 Wall Calendar
  • Laid out Quarterly, with space for quarterly goals
  • Space for monthly goals
  • All Australian Public Holidays and School Holidays included
  • Bright, bold, neon colours
  • Gold features added by hand after printing
  • Each day has room for blog or editorial schedule/meetings/birthdays


  • Relex Laser, 100% Australian Made
  • 200gsm Matte Finish
  • Certified Carbon Neutral
  • PEFC Certified
  • ISO 14001 Environmental Accreditation


As you can imagine, these beauties are not cheap to print. They are a specialty, limited edition item!  With fancy paper, fancy colours and a great design, only 100 will be printed. I want the planner to be accessible to everyone though, so have made them as affordable as possible! Each 2015 A1 Wall Planner will be $36, plus postage ($7.50, or pick up from the Makers’ Hub for free).

Pre-Order Now

Save 20% on the Wall Calendar price if you Pre-Order!

[add_to_cart sku="wallp"]

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The Makers Collective
2015 A1 Wall Planner Buy Now

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