Ever wonder why your marketing might not be working for you? I might know what you are missing!!! But first let’s review The 7 key areas of your business which are your customer, your product, your messaging, your website, your marketing, your operations, and your plan. We have already talked about  first three key areas (customer, product, and messaging) in detail so for this episode, we will be delving deeper into marketing.


The most common problem I hear about from my own students and also from micro to small business owners and self-starters all over the internet is that their marketing efforts (advertising in particular) just “doesn’t work”. Now sometimes this is due to not having a lot of experience in creating effective ads or marketing campaigns, so your image or words or targeting are just missing the mark. But so often I think the reality of the matter is that small business owners are experimenting with marketing without a clear goal or objective of what they are hoping to achieve from a particular campaign, and this leads to inconsistent campaigns, and inconsistent results. So no wonder it seems like nothing is working!

One thing you must do is to have a clear goal and determine these four things to track your objective:


What is your purpose? Be clear about your purpose in order to capture the attention of your audience. What is it that you want to get out of your particular campaign? Make your goals specific, measurable, achievable, resonant, time-bound (SMART).

Call to action

What action do you want your viewers of your ad or campaign to take? Do you want them to sign your mailing list?  listen to your podcast? buy your products? or follow you on Instagram? Because your messaging will depend on your call to action.


As mentioned earlier, messaging and call to action are co-related. Your messaging will depend on what you are asking your target audience to do in order to communicate the right message. 

Targeting the right people

Sending the message to the right people depends on your over all objective. You need to be speaking a different way or a different language depending on what you are trying to say to them. There is a different sense of urgency depending on what you want to say to them.

So you should really think about what your overall objective is because this may be the one big thing you are missing in successfully implementing your marketing. 

If you feel you still need help developing your marketing goals or implementing a marketing plan, you could consider joining the Maker’s Academy which is a membership for makers and creatives such as yourself wanting to learn how to sell your stuff so you can replace your 9-5 income with something you are more excited about. My purpose is to help you achieve that.




Sometimes, even when we are doing all the right things, it can feel like we’re spinning our wheels and not moving forward at all. This could be because you’re focusing on the wrong area of your business – or doing all the right things, but at the wrong time.

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