We’re partnering with Shutterstock.com at the moment, you can find loads of Social Media images on their website
Social media… It’s where it’s at! But it may not be where you’re at. For us creative types we usually live a very full life, some of us create outside of our 9-5 job (even in our lunch breaks), some of us have family to look after and we squeeze creativity around those commitments and then there’s those of you who we envy because you create for a living (although I know this is also very hard work and mega kudos to you). For a lot of us social media seems like just another thing to add to our growing To Do list! We’re already trying to create a product or product range, developing an online store, attending markets, fairs and exhibitions, approaching shops to stock our products and on top of that probably trying to develop and maintain a website and regularly blog about our awesome creative life. Yes social media seems like just another thing to do or investigate but this is where most of your customers are so you need to take your product to their marketplace –the social media market place. And guess what?!?! Social media is actually super easy once you know what you’re doing, doesn’t take much time once you’re up and running and best of all its free (mostly).
In the coming weeks we are going to discuss why you should be utilising social media for brand development, why it’s a must for your marketing mix, what social media platforms you should be thinking about and how to effectively use social media for your business. Yep- there’s lots of exciting topics to discuss and we hope that we can empower you to develop a strong social media identity and kick butt with more sales and new opportunities!
Not using social media yet but you’re excited and/or possibly terrified of it? Or are you already using social media for your business? Let us know in the comments below! If you’ve got any topics or questions you want covered let us know and we’ll help out.
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