Aug 8, 2016 | Your Messaging
Have you ever needed a beautiful wash of watercolour to use as a background element for your website or in a design, but haven’t been able to find exactly what you wanted? Well my friend, I’ve got a super quick and easy little DIY video tutorial for you,...
Aug 3, 2016 | growth, Markets, Your Operations
The first few times (or several times!) I had my own market stall setup at the super-popular Handmade Markets here in Canberra, I was stressed. Even though my setup was simple and easy, I was always low on time, rushing, and had forgotten a bunch of stuff. Starting...
Jul 19, 2016 | starter, Your Plan
There’s a big difference between making as a hobby, and making for a living, and today I’m going to share with you something that will give you an idea of how many things you’ll need to be making and selling every day, week, or month, to be bringing in a respectable...
Jul 13, 2016 | Markets, Your Operations
After a long period of not attending any markets (to focus on The Makers’ Hub, which I’ve now closed), I decided to dip my toes back into the market stall game a couple of year ago. In the lead-up, I whipped up a shelving display to use at the Show &...
Jun 24, 2016 | Your Marketing
As a maker, small business owner and all round kick-ass person, you are no doubt under the pump trying to do it all and MORE every, single, day. As your business grows you may find yourself pulled in far too many directions and your creative mojo suffering as a...
Jun 20, 2016 | Your Customer
Have you ever sat down and worked out the true value of the products you are creating? Not the cost to make them, not the amount you price them at, but the true VALUE your products bring to the world? This should be a massive factor in the pricing of your goods, but...
Jun 6, 2016 | Your Operations
Sometimes, despite our best intentions, the plans for our business can go a bit off track. As creatives, we get ideas that can distract us (LOTS of ideas) and can become unfocused from what we should really be working on day to day. So how do you get back on the...
May 2, 2016 | Photography, Your Messaging
When selling your products online or showcasing them on your website, using excellent photographs could be the difference between a sale and a closed browser window. Your product photos need to entice the viewer to want to know more about the item, and ultimately get...
Apr 15, 2016 | Your Messaging
Here’s a quick tutorial on how to trace and digitise your hand lettering or brush script in Adobe Illustrator. In this tutorial you will use the live trace command, the selection tools, ungroup command, make compound path command, smooth tool, edit using anchor...
Feb 9, 2016 | Markets, starter, Your Operations
When I was on maternity leave with Rafa (now in primary school!), I was selling my handmade jewellery regularly in boutiques across Australia, at local markets, and online through Etsy and Madeit. While all these avenues were fairly successful, I found the online...
Feb 2, 2016 | Your Brand, Your Operations, Your Plan
I bet you made a to-do list for your business today or this week (either mentally, digitally or on paper), and it has more than 7 things on it. And I bet all those things are in different areas of your work and life, and do not have a common goal or focus (if they do,...