Jan 11, 2017 | scale, Your Plan
I’ve had a couple of little AHA moments around why setting intentions for the year ahead (and writing them down!) is super important, so I’m going to share them with you, and I’d love to know if you’ve had the same experience! Right now...
Jan 2, 2017 | Your Website
If you have recently installed the Divi framework from Elegant Themes, you might not yet understand how to import and load .json files into a new page layout. In this video I give a brief demonstration of how to use the import feature. If you’re interested in...
Dec 23, 2016 | Your Website
If you have recently installed the Divi framework from Elegant Themes, you might not yet realise how incredible the Visual Builder is, or how it works. In this video I give a brief over-view of how to use the visual builder to create a simple opt-in page. If...
Dec 13, 2016 | Your Website
If you’re wondering whether or not you really need a website for your business, I’m going to go ahead and list the top 5 reasons why I think you MUST have your own website to succeed in small business. Access to social media as a selling tool has made it...
Nov 1, 2016 | Your Marketing
Social Media, the hot topic on everyone’s lips. How can I create engaging content? How can I reach the masses? How can I sustain valuable relationships with my online community? There’s a lot to consider, sharing a hilarious cat video and crossing your fingers hoping...
Oct 14, 2016 | Your Brand, Your Messaging
Before you even think about your logo, business card, your website or any other visual elements for your business, you really need to ensure you have clarity around what your overall brand is, what you want it to represent and the messaging you want to be...
Oct 10, 2016 | Meet The Maker
I’m so pumped to have been featured on the Mums with Hustle Podcast this week, hosted by the amazing Tracy Harris. If you haven’t heard of the Mums with Hustle Biz Club before, jump on over to tracy’s 5000+ strong Facebook Community and immediately...
Sep 28, 2016 | Markets, Your Operations
If you’re selling your handmade products via markets in your local area or even travelling interstate for a market, I bet you’re constantly looking for new tips and tricks to improve your market stall, especially if you’re new to the game! Today I...
Sep 19, 2016 | Creative Thinking
Research shows that tapping into your creative potential, even in simple ways, makes more of your brain capacity available, drops your stress hormones and as a result, upgrades you at a cellular level. Pretty neat, huh? Today we have a guest post from Dr Suzanne Moss,...
Sep 12, 2016 | scale, Your Plan
It can be really hard, but it’s really ok to say no. Sometimes in business it’s actually better to say no, to make room for bigger and better things. My top tip is to focus on your priorities and don’t be afraid to say no to anything that doesn’t fit with these,...
Sep 7, 2016 | Photography, Your Messaging
We’re getting technical today people, and it’s all in the name of good photography! Are you someone who has a DSLR camera, but always uses it on the auto setting? If so, I’m about to blow your mind with knowledge. We’re talking about the...
Aug 22, 2016 | Your Brand
Despite what many people have been led to believe in business, a logo is not your brand. Your brand is actually an incredibly important but intangible thing, and at it’s core, your brand is a promise you make to your customers or audience. Your logo is just one...
Aug 15, 2016 | Your Operations
Are you feeling a little frazzled in your small business (or life!), overwhelmed with all the tasks you need to complete everyday and constantly feeling too busy to really enjoy any time to yourself? Yeah, that was me, two weeks ago. The days were hectic, the weeks...