Shining Year Workbooks & Planners

Shining Year Workbooks & Planners

In 2015 I mentioned that I LOVE how colourful, creative and actionable the Shining Year Workbooks by Leonie Dawson are for your business (and your life!). The crazy thing is, when 2016 came around, I knew Leonie personally. See this image here? That was taken in The...
2016 Wall Planners – What’s the dealio?

2016 Wall Planners – What’s the dealio?

This years Wall Planner is available now! CLICK HERE With the success of the 2015 Wall Planner, I’ve been lucky enough to have had a few enquiries recently about when the 2016 Planner will be available… To those people I want to say: Thank you SO much for...
How to get good at failing in business

How to get good at failing in business

If you follow any entrepreneurs or business coaches (or pretty much anyone in business with an Instagram account) online, chances are you’ve heard things like “Fail Big” and “You’re not pushing hard enough unless you’re...
Copy to Practice – Illustrator Tutorial #1

Copy to Practice – Illustrator Tutorial #1

Copy to Practice is a series of tutorial videos demonstrating the technique of recreating a design in order to practice technical skills in Photoshop, Illustrator or InDesign. Hover and Pin that ⤴︎ The video below is the very first in the series, and I hope to add...
Preparing for the ProBlogger Conference

Preparing for the ProBlogger Conference

As a business owner and a blogger I think it’s really important to keep working on my professional development by attending workshops & conferences and completing online courses regularly. What I learned last year though, was that I should pick and choose...
My Market Stall Journey – New Projects

My Market Stall Journey – New Projects

This is the third post in a blog series documenting my journey attending market stalls in Canberra, and talks about expanding my range for my market stalls in 2010.  Luckily for me, I documented all this on my personal blog, and will be re-posting those entries here....
My Market Stall Journey – First Market Day

My Market Stall Journey – First Market Day

This is the second post in a blog series documenting my journey attending market stalls in Canberra, and talks about my very first market stall at the Handmade Markets back in 2010!  Luckily for me, I documented all this on my personal blog, and will be re-posting...

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